If you don't want to fight your ticket or go to court, read this section! - Step 2REQUEST A TRIAL
We show you what to do. It only takes 15 minutes. How easy is that! - Step 3PREPARATION
Preparation is the key to success. Do your homework. - Step 4PRE-TRIAL STRATEGIES
Your trial has been scheduled. Now the fight begins. Here's what you need to do. - Step 5TRIAL STRATEGIES
What to do, what to say, and what not to say.

Fight Your Ticket
Everything you need to know about your traffic ticket is here.
On the left is information about your options, the insurance impact, demerit points, the amount of your fine and whether any errors on your traffic ticket will get your charge thrown out.
The steps above teach you how to successfully fight traffic tickets issued by police or by-law officers in any Ontario municipality. You can win if you know how to do it. This site shows you! Learn how to beat charges like:
- speeding;
- parking tickets;
- failing to obey signs;
- red light tickets;
- stop sign offences;
- seat belt violations;
- careless driving charges;
- failing to remain at the scene of an accident; and
- all other Ontario traffic offences.
There are also additional tips on the left for the most common type of offences.
You can fight your traffic ticket. You can win. This site will help you do it.
Your Ticket
Your Options Demerit Points Insurance Hike Fines Fatal ErrorsOffences
Parking Tickets Stop Signs No Seat Belt