If you don't want to fight your ticket or go to court, read this section! - Step 2REQUEST A TRIAL
We show you what to do. It only takes 15 minutes. How easy is that! - Step 3PREPARATION
Preparation is the key to success. Do your homework. - Step 4PRE-TRIAL STRATEGIES
Your trial has been scheduled. Now the fight begins. Here's what you need to do. - Step 5TRIAL STRATEGIES
What to do, what to say, and what not to say.
The Trial
Step 5 explains the trial process in great detail. This section adds to that with specific trial strategies for parking tickets.
But first, a word of warning: don't assume your justice will know any of this! They are expecting the officer's testimony and your lame excuse. They will not expect anyone to raise constitutional arguments or points of law over a parking ticket.
Their resistance, in part, will originate from the fact that a lot of this will go over their heads. Justices receive minimal legal training and parking tickets, one of the simplest matters in provincial offences court, are usually heard by very junior or inexperienced justices.
You must be extremely patient with them. Expect the prosecutor (who also has minimal legal training) to object to every point you make and challenge you to explain what your arguments are based on. Don't resent them for this. Their job is to convict you!
Prepare well. Print three copies of any case law you use (one copy for the justice, one for the prosecutor, and one for you). Bring a copy of Part II of the Provincial Offences Act with you. You don't need to provide them with a copy of legislation or regulations. When you cite a case or a section of an act, you can show them the exact paragraph you are referring to. It will increase your credibility tremendously.
Your Ticket
Your Options Demerit Points Insurance Hike Fines Fatal ErrorsOffences
Parking Tickets Stop Signs No Seat Belt